Vaginal Steam

The Vaginal Steam or V Steam

The Vaginal Steam or V Steam is a beauty treatment that has been used for centuries as a traditional home remedy for optimal health naturally! Inspired by centuries old techniques that’s been gaining popularity in holistic practices, also known as v-steam, yoni steam, bajos, cha-yok or jahoon. The Vaginal Steam help the body naturally cleanse the vaginal and uterine linings in a safe and gentle way. The warm herbal steam nourishes and tones the vaginal and uterine tissues. While improving circulation, the steams alleviate symptoms caused by, or related to, congestion in these tissues – boosting circulation to the pelvis — increasing oxygenation, dilation of blood vessels, and a relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles that tend to cramp or spasm before or during menstruation.

Our Vaginal Steam treatment is the process of allowing warm water and organic blended herbs to transfer through the reproductive system natually. Vaginal steam contains multiple herbs that will make the steam experience rejuvenating, effective and relaxing way to promote Female Optimal Health. Vagianl Steam in natural, non-invasive and completely safe!

To make it an overall holistic wellness and spiritual awareness journey participate in consuming Positive foods (plant-based, dairy free, water), Spiritual Practices(meditation, yoga, positive reads/energy/vibes), and of course LOVE. Love heals all, laugh more, smile more, forgive and last but not least say I LOVE YOU more. Peace and Blessings.

Schedule Your Vaginal Steam $69 Session Now!

The Vaginal Steam treatment is the process of allowing warm water and organic blended herbs to transfer through the reproductive system naturally.

Get Las Vegas V Steam Treatment

Being a woman is challenging as it is! You deal with the responsibility of the future of the human race. And, it all comes down to your vagina. You begin with menstruation, intercourse, and go on to bearing children, delivering them, and then, managing the discomfort of menopause. Add to that are yeast and urinary infections, and the need for a careful cleaning routine along with regular annual appointments with the gynecologist for checkups.

Being a woman is tough. But, you now have the new V-steam treatments to help you with detoxing and rejuvenating those special lady parts. A huge proponent of the procedure is Gwyneth Paltrow, and if you’ve been curious to know how it works, read ahead.

A bottle of lavender essential oil with a rock and some hives for vaginal steam.

V-Steam Treatments are a Korean Concept

Vaginal steams are an ancient Korean practice that they called “chai-yok.” And, the principle behind the procedure is simple. Using a mixture of herbs that have cleansing and anti-bacterial properties, practitioners attempt to detox the vagina and uterus. The most commonly used herbs are wormwood and mugwort, though individual providers may add others to the mix. Like, for instance, rosemary, basil, oregano, calendula, and chamomile. These herbs are infused into a basin of hot water and the fumes are directed at the vagina and pelvic floor.

Different spas provide the treatment using various procedures. Traditionally, the basin is placed below a stool with a hole in the center. The patient sits on the stool with a large towel wrapped around her waist so the fumes don’t escape and are only directed in the right direction. Some spas may also ask you to squat over the basin. And, some other wellness centers may ask you lay back like you would for a Pap smear test and drape a sheet from a waist down. The fumes or steam is created in a diffuser like device and then directed into the uterus through a tube placed at a short distance from the mouth of the vagina.

Any person can safely sign up for the V-steam treatments. Of course, you may not be allowed to get the procedure if you’re pregnant or menstruating. Each session may take around 20 to 45 minutes.

Although science is still doubtful of the actual effectiveness of the treatment, V-steam is known to help patients with infections, hemorrhoids, hormone imbalances, and general pain and discomfort. The warmth of the process relaxes the pelvic floor completely and patients have also talked about how they felt fatigue, stress, and anxiety easing. Some others have also talked about enhanced pleasure during intercourse after the treatment because of a boost in blood circulation in the vagina.

If you would like more information about how the V-steam procedure works, go ahead and contact us at the Sage Wellness center. Our expert consultants are on standby to answer your queries and concerns and provide any other details you may need. You can also call us at this number: (702) 800-7406.

A cup of tea with a spoon and flowers.
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